BuiltWith Company to URL

Convert Company Names to Website URL Domains


Get domain names from lists of company names you supply to us.

The general access method is as follows -
https://ctu.builtwith.com/ctu2/api.[xml|json]?KEY=[YOUR KEY]&COMPANY=[Company Name]


You must provide your API key in each lookup. See the examples for how this works.


Login or Create a Free Account to get your API key.

Get Domain Company Name Example

XML Get Domain Company
https://ctu.builtwith.com/ctu2/api.xml?KEY=[YOUR KEY]&COMPANY=hotels%20combined

JSON Get Domain Company
https://ctu.builtwith.com/ctu2/api.json?KEY=[YOUR KEY]&COMPANY=builtwith



The following GET parameters can be supplied for lookups

Name Examples Required
KEY 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Sign up for Free or Login to get a key.
Company name URL encoded.


The Company to URL API will respond with a document in the format -


Company are the websites we think the company is related to.

Name Example Description
Domain hotelscombined.com The domain we think the company name is related to
CompanyName Hotels Combined Pty Ltd The company name record we have for the domain.
Spend 2000 The technology spend brack for the domain in USD per month estimated.
BuiltWithRank 7605 The BuiltWith Top Site rank for the domain (lower is better).
PageRank 71250 The page rank for the website (lower is better).
Country AU The country of the domain if we've found an address
State NSW The state of the domain if we've found an address
Postcode 2007 The postcode/zip of the domain if we've found an address
City Ultimo The city of the domain if we've found an address
Socials (array) https://x.com/hotelscombined Array of social links for the domain

Results are ordered by the most premium result - which is generally the most relevant domain for the company name.

Code Examples

JSON/XML have integrations in all modern programming languages. Here's some StackOverflow topics for various languages - Python, C#, Java, PHP, C++, TSQL and Ruby.

Error Codes

Note error messages in this format cannot be guaranteed, your implementation should also consider non-200 response codes as errors. The Lookup property will be null (json) or not provided (xml) if the error is server related. View all potential well-formed error codes.

Terms of Use

Our standard terms cover the use all of our APIs.

In general, you can use the API to enhance your product in many ways. The only limitation is you cannot resell the data as-is or provide duplicate functionality to builtwith.com and its associated services.