companyName |
The company name |
regNo |
3600683 |
The registration number of the company |
accountingType |
Full or Micro Entity or Total Exemption Full |
The type of accounting the company is required to do. |
sic |
64999,65120 |
SIC code(s) for the company |
incorporationDate |
630365328000000000 |
The date of incorporation in epoch MS |
financials array (USD for all values except dates)
balanceSheet |
637765488000000000 |
The date of the balance sheet preparation in epoch MS |
balanceSheetDate |
2025-12-31 |
The date of the balance sheet preparation in date format |
debtors |
19443615.22 |
debtors refer to individuals or entities that owe money to the company, typically arising from credit sales or loans extended by the company. |
fixedAssets |
326097.42 |
fixedAssets refer to long-term tangible assets that a company uses in its operations and expects to use for more than one year, such as property, plant, and equipment. |
currentAssets |
23222988.41 |
currentAssets refer to assets that are expected to be converted into cash, sold, or consumed within a year, including items such as cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and other short-term assets. |
creditors |
-21784479.05 |
creditors refer to individuals or entities to whom the company owes money, typically arising from loans, credit purchases, or other financial obligations. |
netCurrentAssets |
1438509.36 |
netCurrentAssets refer to the difference between a company's current assets and its current liabilities, indicating the liquidity and short-term financial health of the company. |
netAssets |
1713254.19 |
netAssets refers to the total value of a company's non-current assets, such as property, plant, and equipment, minus any non-current liabilities, indicating the long-term financial stability of the company. |
cash |
3779373.2 |
cash refers to the money that a company has on hand or in bank accounts, available for immediate use. |
turnoverRevenue |
2621094.32 |
turnoverRevenue refers to the total income generated by a company from its normal business activities, typically from the sale of goods and services, over a specific period. |
costOfSales |
1.21 |
costOfSales refers to the direct expenses incurred in producing the goods or services that a company sells, including costs of raw materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead. |
grossProfit |
23232.99 |
grossProfit refers to the difference between a company's turnover revenue and its cost of sales, representing the profit earned before deducting operating expenses, taxes, and interest. |
operatingProfit |
23232.99 |
operatingProfit refers to the profit a company generates from its core business operations, calculated by subtracting operating expenses from gross profit, and excluding interest and taxes. |
taxOnProfit |
23232.99 |
taxOnProfit refers to the amount of income tax a company is required to pay on its taxable profit, as calculated according to relevant tax laws and regulations. |
otherIncome |
0 |
otherIncome refers to the earnings a company receives from activities not related to its core business operations, such as interest, dividends, rental income, or gains from the sale of assets. |
profitLoss |
150690.26 |
profitLoss refers to the overall financial result of a company's operations for a specific period, calculated as total revenue minus total expenses, indicating whether the company made a profit or incurred a loss. |